Critical Incident Stress Management
CISM is a comprehensive, integrative, multicomponent crisis
intervention system. CISM is considered comprehensive
because it consists of multiple crisis intervention components,
which functionally span the entire temporal spectrum of a
crisis. CISM interventions range from the pre-crisis phase
through the acute crisis phase, and into the post-crisis phase.
CISM is also considered comprehensive in that it consists of
interventions, which may be applied to individuals, small
functional groups, large groups, families, organizations, and
even communities.
The CISM Teams of Michigan
MCRA maintains a current list of associated teams with their
locations across the state. Teams are listed with their contacts,
phone numbers, and email addresses. The list is available
elsewhere on this web site.
Team Develpment and Support
MCRA exists to support the development of CISM teams
throughout the State of Michigan by offering training courses,
networking opportunities, and development of standards of
practice for teams throughout the state.
The Standards for Michigan Teams
Teams throughout the state are provided a standard for
training and practice that meets the guidelines as set forth by
the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation (ICISF). In
addition, MCRA has set forth some “best practices” for
Michigan teams to adopt and utilize.
Michigan Crisis Response Association, Inc.
MCRA is a voluntary association and therefore we don’t have any offices or
staff. All people involved with MCRA volunteer their time. The best way to get
in touch is to email us at the email address listed.
Contact us
for Emergency Callout - 1 800 969 0025
Calls answered by Life Care Ambulance
in Battle Creek
Michigan Crisis
Response Association,
The Michigan Crisis Response Association (MCRA) is a
cooperative effort of crisis response teams throughout the
State of Michigan. There are approximately 56 registered
teams in Michigan whose membership is comprised of
individuals from law enforcement, fire and emergency
medical services, hospital staff, clergy, educators, and mental
health professionals. MCRA and the annual conference
provide training for individuals and team members, further
development of new teams, and provide support for
established teams. MCRA is a private nonprofit 501(c)(3)
Michigan Crisis Response Association, Inc. - 2023
Our annual training will be held on
September 15-17, 2024 at the MacMullan
Conference Center in Roscommon, MI.
Click here to go to the registration page.
The First Responder Privileged Communication Bill
(SB 444) as passed unanimously on February 9, 2016
and was signed into law by Governor Snyder on
Tuesday, March 22, 2016. It was further amended in
2020 to include medical staff along with first
This legislation legally protects the confidentiality of
first responders receiving CISM services from CISM
teams. It also protects the CISM peers/team members
that are assisting first responders and medical staff.
Click here to download/view the Michigan law that
governs CISM services.